If you’re wondering how to obtain the bow blueprint and how to change arrows in dying light 2, you are not alone. I mean, this is a Techland game, after all, so there are bound to be some hidden challenges along the way!
As exciting as the prospect of nailing your enemies with cool arrows can be, acquiring the bow blueprint requires a little guidance. And the bow is not readily available when you start the game, so there’s a little work to do there too.
However, having now played more hours of Dying Light 2 than I would like to remember, I have figured out all there is to know about arrows in Dying Light to bring you this short and easy-to-follow guide.
So, without further ado, scroll down to find out how to acquire the bow, switch arrows and use the bow with devastating effects in Dying Light 2:
- How To Switch Arrows In Dying Light 2
- Dying Light 2 Arrow Types
- How To Get The Bow In Dying Light 2
- How To Use The Bow In Dying Light 2
How To Switch Arrows In Dying Light 2
So, you’ve finally unlocked the bow blueprint and are now hunting for zombies to slay with flame arrows and electrifying bolts. But how do you switch arrows in Dying Light 2?
Worthy of yet another meme, Techland failed to instruct gamers on how to switch arrows during gameplay. But, having now figured this out for both console and PC, I can tell you that it’s much easier than you might think.
Here’s how to change arrows in Dying Light 2 on PC, Xbox & PS5:
How To Change Arrows In Dying Light 2 – PC
To change arrows in Dying Light 2 on PC, follow these 3 simple steps:
- Step 1: Hold down [3] on your keyboard to open the weapon menu.
- Step 2: Press [Q] or [E] to scroll through arrow types
- Step 3: Release [3] on your keyboard once you have selected an arrow.
How To Change Arrows In Dying Light 2 – Xbox
To change arrows in Dying Light 2 on Xbox, follow these 3 simple steps:
- Step 1: Hold down [RIGHT] on your [D-PAD]
- Step 2: Press [LB] or [RB] to scroll through arrow types.
- Step 3: Release your [D-PAD] once you have selected an arrow.
How To Change Arrows Dying Light 2 – PS4 & PS5
To change arrows in Dying Light 2 on PS4 & PS5, follow these 3 simple steps:
- Step 1: Hold down [RIGHT] on your [D-PAD]
- Step 2: Press [L1] or [R1] to scroll through arrow types.
- Step 3: Release your [D-PAD] once you have selected an arrow.
Dying Light 2 Arrow Types
As a versatile and powerful tool in Dying Light 2, arrows are superb at taking out enemies from a distance. Not only this, but the various Dying Light 2 arrow types also come with a multitude of effects that can be used to your advantage.
From electrifying zombies with electric bolts to blowing them to smithereens with explosive arrows, each arrow type has its own unique effects. By studying each arrow type and how you can use them to gain the upper hand, you’ll quickly find that the latter stages of Dying Light 2 become a little easier to complete.
Here are the different types of arrows in Dying Light 2:
1. Electric Arrows
Electric arrows in Dying Light 2 are one of the more exciting arrow types available. When fired, an electric arrow will release a powerful electric current, stunning and incapacitating enemies for a short period of time. That is unless you kill them, of course!
You should use electric arrows when you need to buy some time.
2. Explosive Arrows
If you’ve had enough of the foreplay and want to blow zombies to smithereens, explosive arrows are the best option. In addition, explosive arrows can also be used to destroy objects or cause massive damage to enemies.
Explosive arrows in Dying Light 2 will detonate on impact.
3. Poison Arrows
For a slow and painful death, poison arrows in Dying Light 2 will release a cloud of poisonous gas that will cover a small focus area. Should zombies be situated within this area, the poison will either greatly damage them or kill any zombies low on health.
4. Fire Arrows
Igniting upon impact, fire arrows in Dying Light 2 can be used to burn or set fire to objects throughout the open world. They can also be used to incinerate zombies to a gruesome death. But you knew that already, didn’t you?
5. Ice Arrows
Another great way to buy time during combat is to use ice arrows on zombies. Ice arrows will freeze on impact and can be used to freeze zombies. If all that fire and poison is getting too spicy, try using ice arrows for a chilled experience.
6. Lacerating Arrows
Possibly one of the most brutal arrow types available in Dying Light 2, lacerating arrows will release razor-sharp blades on impact. As you can imagine, lacerating arrows will cause serious damage to your enemies and, well, it’s pretty damn brutal.
How To Get Bow Dying Light 2
As much as it would be great to start the game with a bow and some crazy unique arrows, you will have to play the main storyline of Dying Light 2 before unlocking the bow.
During the main storyline, once you complete the ”Let’s Waltz” mission, you will unlock the blueprint for a bow called ”The Pipe Bow”. This mission will be around the midway point of the game, so it’s a nice checkpoint to know that you are halfway through too.
After you have completed the mission, the blueprint for the Pipe Bow will be unlocked. You will now be able to find the bow within your weapon inventory. If the bow is not there, it will be waiting for you in your stash.

How To Use Bow In Dying Light 2
Once you have unlocked the bow, using the bow in Dying Light 2 is relatively simple. However, it will drain some of your stamina during use. As with other Dying Light 2 weapons, you must first equip the bow from your weapon inventory. To do this on a PC, hold down ‘3’ on your keyboard and for the console, press the right D-pad. Once the bow is selected, there are two ways to use the bow in Dying Light 2.
Firstly, you can hold down the trigger button (which will drain stamina) for a long-distance shot. There will also be a hotkey to cancel the shot as Aiden aims. By opting for a long shot, your stamina bar will drain the longer you hold the shot.
The second way to use the bow in Dying Light 2 is using the quickfire mode by just pressing the trigger button rather than holding it down. Aidan will shoot the arrow quickly; however, it will not travel as far and should only be used in close proximity.
The Final Word
Now that you know how to get the bow in Dying Light 2 and switch between the different arrow types, it’s time to get slaying!
While acquiring the bow blueprint is not all that obvious initially, playing through the main storyline will surely get you there at some stage.
As with the original Dying Light, the bow blueprint is a nice feature from Techland that switches up your combat style and breaks away from close combat. While we all love a good hack and slasher, utilising the bow in Dying Light 2: Stay Human has many benefits. From slowing down your enemies to creating an entirely different experience altogether, I would highly recommend using the arrows available.
Remember, you cannot use the bow until you have completed the ”Let’s Waltz” mission, so be sure to do that before trying to use one! What’s your favourite arrow type?
Hit the comments below, and don’t forget to check out my other tutorials