How To Cast Petrificus Totalus Hogwarts Legacy

How To Cast Petrificus Totalus In Hogwarts Legacy (Xbox, PS5 & PC)

Petrify and freeze your foes with this ghastly but easy to learn spell in Hogwarts Legacy.

If you find yourself craving the ultimate power of freezing your foes, then learning how to cast the Petrificus Totalus spell in Hogwarts Legacy is exactly what you need.

Among the 34 enchantments at your disposal in Hogwarts Legacy, the Petrificus Totalus spell is the perfect remedy for fending off swarms of high-level spiders and tormenting dark wizards in the forbidden forest; leaving only their eyes with motion.

So, grab your dragon heartstring wands, don your best wizarding hat, and let’s embark on a frozen adventure as we delve into how to cast Petrificus Totalus on Xbox, PS5 and PC and what you can expect once you’ve mastered this incantation. ✨🧪

How To Get Petrificus Totalus Spell Hogwarts Legacy

How To Get The Petrificus Totalus Spell in Hogwarts Legacy

The Petrificus Totalus spell is unlocked fairly early on in Hogwarts Legacy and you will receive this spell after completing the ”Secrets of the Restricted Section” main storyline quest.

During the quest, you will head to the restricted section of the Hogwarts Library with Sebastian Swallow and will learn the Disillusionment Spell as well as the Petrificus Totalus spell towards the beginning. Whilst you won’t use the Petrificus Totalus spell during the quest, the Disillusionment Spell will be used frequently.

Once the quest has ended, you will be more than familiar with the Disillusionment spell as this can be used just like any other spell in your inventory.

However, the Petrificus Totalus spell is not exactly explained very well and there are no tips for you during the game on how to use this.

But don’t worry, we have an easy step-by-step guide for you right here!

Petrificus Totalus Spell In Hogwarts Legacy

How To Cast Petrificus Totalus Hogwarts Legacy

Unlike other spells that can be cast by simply adding them to your spell wheel, to use the Petrificus Totalus spell in Hogwarts Legacy, you will first need to cast a Disillusionment spell which turns you invisible. From here, simply sneak up behind an inspected enemy with their back turned to you and you will receive a prompt to cast Petrificus Totalus.

Each platform (PC, Xbox and PS5) has slightly different buttons that need to be pressed to cast this spell and we’ve got a breakdown of each of them right here.

Here’s how to cast Petrificus Totalus in Hogwarts Legacy on PC, Xbox & PS5:

How To Cast Petrificus Totalus Hogwarts Legacy – PC

To cast Petrificus Totalus in Hogwarts Legacy on PC, follow these 5 simple steps:

  • Step 1: Add the Disillusionment spell to your spell wheel.
  • Step 2: Cast the Disillusionment spell to turn invisible.
  • Step 3: Sneak up behind an enemy without being detected.
  • Step 4: Wait for a prompt to appear to cast the Petrificus Totalus spell.
  • Step 5: Once this appears, press [F] on your keyboard to cast.

How To Cast Petrificus Totalus Howarts Legacy – Xbox

To use Petrificus Totalus in Hogwarts Legacy on Xbox, follow these 5 simple steps:

  • Step 1: Add the Disillusionment spell to your spell wheel.
  • Step 2: Cast the Disillusionment spell to turn invisible.
  • Step 3: Sneak up behind an enemy without being detected.
  • Step 4: Wait for a prompt to appear to cast the Petrificus Totalus spell.
  • Step 5: Once this appears, press [X] on your controller to cast.

How To Use Petrificus Totalus Hogwarts Legacy – PS5

To cast Petrificus Totalus in Hogwarts Legacy on PS5, follow these 5 simple steps:

  • Step 1: Add the Disillusionment spell to your spell wheel.
  • Step 2: Cast the Disillusionment spell to turn invisible.
  • Step 3: Sneak up behind an enemy without being detected.
  • Step 4: Wait for a prompt to appear to cast the Petrificus Totalus spell.
  • Step 5: Once this appears, press [O] on your controller to cast.

Petrificus Totalus Spell Hogwarts Legacy

The Final Word

Perfect for clearing enemy camps undetected, the Petrificus Totalus spell will often be used throughout your time in Hogwarts Legacy, particularly as you reach higher levels and encounter stronger opponents.

Although you will need to use the Petrificus Totalus spell as a situational spell, it’s relatively easy to use once you know that you need to be in stealth mode. From here, just a quick swish of the wand behind an enemy will see them freeze and often perish through rigour mortis.

It’s not the most exciting way to enter combat, but it sure is useful throughout the game.

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Questions about the Petrificus Totalus spell? No sweat! Here are the most commonly asked questions our editors receive.

What does Petrificus Totalus do in Hogwarts Legacy?

The Petrificus Totalus spell will freeze and petrify your enemies; making them incapable of moving. Once you have cast the Petrificus Totalus spell, the enemy will only be able to breathe and move their eyes. In Hogwarts Legacy, the Petrificus Totalus spell will often cause your enemies to become immediately petrified and cause sudden rigour mortis. Because it’s a game, this will often result in an instant death. However, the official Petrificus Totalus spell in Harry Potter does not cause death.

Can you use Petrificus Totalus in combat?

Yes, you can use Petrificus Totalus in combat. However, it’s not the most effective spell once you have already been detected and will require some work to get back into stealth mode. To use Petrificus Totalus during combat, first, cast a spell such as Imperio or Arresto Momentum on your enemy so that they no longer focus on you. Then, cast the Disillusionment Spell to enter stealth mode and walk behind your enemy to use Petrificus Totalus.

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Hogwarts Legacy Guides, Tips & Tricks
Release Date
February 10, 2023
PC, Xbox, PS5 & Switch
Portkey Games
Open World, Puzzle


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